Monday, May 21, 2012

That's What Makes you Dad

I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him as my dad. He makes it so there is nothing more that I could want. There are so many things that makes him who he is and when all of those are put together, only one thing can become of it; my dad.

            It is impossible to know where to start when having the goal to come up with everything that makes dad the person I know and love. The way his eyes tear up almost instantly when laughing is something I have never seen in anyone else. How he crosses his arms and stands shoulder width apart when he is on his feet is definitely something I have grown to recognize and even do myself. The bit of gray hair near his temples never seems to spread anywhere else as if it would make him lose his youthfulness with a head full of gray.

            Sports have always been a common ground between my dad and I. He was the one who taught me how to catch and throw a ball, grip a baseball bat, swing a golf club, kick a soccer ball, and swim a length of the pool. I used to think he was the absolute best at every sport; now I know better (sorry dad)!  He wouldn’t miss a softball game or swim meet for anything; his support is what has gotten me where I am today. From playing catch in the backyard before a big game or helping me come up with off-season workouts, his knowledge of sports undoubtedly sparked my interest as well.

            Not only does dad play sports but watching sports is a passion for him. Being a diehard fan of the Denver Broncos creates some unneeded stress in his life but it doesn’t seem to bother him. I will never forget how he spent what had to be a couple hundred dollars in the Broncos gift shop at Mile High Stadium, comparable to a seven-year-old boy in a candy shop! My loyalty to the NFL is no doubt due to the fact that every fall Sunday consists of football and chips and dip, a tradition I will have no issue continuing.

            Dad would not be considered perfect without all of his quirks and oddities. I will never forget how when we were little he would cut up our peanut butter toast into puzzle pieces and before we could eat it, we had to put the puzzle back together. He also has quite the singing voice, which he likes to make clear as he rides the stationary bike in the basement. Wearing his glasses on the tip of his nose is another dad trademark that I know will never change. Letting a Bronco loss affect his whole night in a negative way is something I can just laugh at and realize he really hasn’t grown up all of the way.

            It would be a complete lie if I said this is everything that makes my dad who I know and love. A distinct appearance, love for sports, and quirks that make dad unique, are only the start of what makes me the luckiest girl in the world.

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