Monday, May 21, 2012

Review: AP Psychology Research Symposium

The AP Psychology Research Symposium is an annual event held at Kennedy High School. At this event, all of the students that took AP Psych during the school year, present their end of the year research projects. Everyone comes all dressed up with their tri-fold poster boards for an evening of scholarly fun. This year's event took place today and I am here to share my thoughts.

Overall I believe that everything ran really smoothly throughout the course of the night. I didn't notice any no shows and very few people were scurrying in at the last minute. Everyone arrived promptly, set up their poster boards and anticipated their family and friends to come.  In my opinion the attire that all the students wore was very appropriate. Everyone looked nice, not too formal yet not too casual. There were hardly any awkward outfits standing out like a sore thumb.

The food and drink was definitely a big hit. Who doesn't like free soda, chips, cookies, brownies, and fruit?? It worked really well having every participant bring a little something. I'm sure some brought more than their share and I'm sure some didn't bring anything, it all worked out fine! There was plenty of food for both the students and the guests. Which brings up my next point....

The food and drink should be for the guests first!!! I know how hard it is to stand at your table for 90 minutes but I really think students should have waited till the symposium was over to raid the snack table. It was basically a free for all which is my only complaint. I don't think students stood by their posters enough, rather they just walked around and talked to their friends. I think that's fine for a little bit but not for the whole evening. Then when the place starts to clear out I think its fine to pick up a drink and a few goodies.

Overall I think it was a very successful evening!! Everyone looked nice and all of the posters and projects were very well done. I could tell that the majority of students put quite a bit of time and effort into their project. Nice work 2011-2012 AP Psychology students!

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