Saturday, May 26, 2012

Farewell Blogging!

Wow. I never thought the day would come. Nearly 180 school days later and what will be my 90th blog, my job is done! It has definitely been a journey to say the least.

When told at the beginning of the school year that we would have to create a blog that we would have to keep up throughout the year I was a bit nervous. "That sounds like a lot of work", "what am I going to write about", were two thoughts that kept entering my mind. No doubt was it quite a bit of work and it was definitely tough to come up with 90 things to blog about!

Over the course of the past nine months I have written and shared my feelings on a variety of topics. Teen jobs, swimming, school, AP exams, food, shoes, clothes, books, vacations, sports, politics, and so many more! I cannot believe it has finally come to an end. All those times stressing about what to blog about are finally over! I must admit this is much more a happy thing than sad.

Keeping up this blog has absolutely had its benefits. It has taught me a lot about procrastination and time management. I would consider myself to be an extremely dedicated student who manages time quite well. Until it came to blogging that is. It was so terribly hard to sit in a computer lab on a Friday afternoon and just type your heart away. I had to force myself to do it in order to make deadlines.
Or the nights before 15 blogs were due and I was sitting at the computer whipping 5 out just hours before the deadline. That definitely took its toll and I don't ever think I will do that again.

Honestly, I don't think I am going to miss blogging one bit. It was always one other thing I had to do and keep track of. I am thankful for the lessons it has taught me and for having the opportunity to say I kept up a blog for a year. With that my friends, farewell to blogging!

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