Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Furry Little Friend

A very common get-to-know-you-type-of-question is something along the lines of "Are you a cat person or a dog person?" I would consider myself to be more of a cat person, but by no means do I dislike dogs. I think I feel this way because I have been around cats more and have a pet cat, who is my favorite animal in the whole world!

Cinnamon has been part of our family since the summer of 2002. I am proud to share that he is a mutt we found at the local animal shelter. Cinnamon was a very sick kitten when we first got him. He had to go on lots of trips to the vet before he got better, but since then I could count on one hand how many times he has been sick.

Cinnamon is primarily a white cat with cinnamon colored spots, hence his name Cinnamon. Cinnamon's most defining characteristic is definitely his tail. Cinnamon's tail is cinnamon colored and only 6 inches long. Yes, this sounds very weird and it is weird! It runs in the family because his sister at the animal shelter had 6 toes! I am so used to it that a normal looking tail on a cat looks very strange to me.

Cinnamon is one of the friendliest cats I have ever met. This is what I love about him the most. He is always there to greet you, whether you are just getting home from school or if its a stranger at the front door. He will rub up against your leg and meow until you give him attention, its so cute!

Cinnamon is also the hungriest cat I have ever met. With most cats you can feed them every couple of days because they space out their eating accordingly. Not with this cat! We feed him three times a day everyday because he literally eats all of his food the second he gets it. He has been known to get hairballs because he eats his food so fast that he doesn't even digest it!

Even with all of this quirks Cinnamon is a fantastic pet spending most of this days lounging in the sun, sleeping and meowing for food. I don't know what I would do without this furry little friend!

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