Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winter Weather Warning

 Eastern Iowa is now prepping for the first official winter weather warning of the winter season. Over the course of the next 24 hours, the temperature will be dropping significantly, the winds will increase and there is 1-3" of snow predicted. It's going to be a lot to take in after the warm weather we have been able to enjoy over the past few weeks. I know that I have gotten used too and I'm sure many others as well not having to wear a coat, scrape the car, or drive extra cautiously.

In this little transition of what I like to call "our hint of spring becomes reality" I have taken the time to think about how much fun a little winter weather can bring if you just have the right attitude! As I have said in previous blog posts, for the most part winter weather is not fun. It's cold, depressing and a hassle. But there are a few certain things such as two hour delays, early dismissals and snow days that can make up for it.

Even though most of us do think about the fact that we have to make up everyday we miss once June rolls around the corner, missing a few days of school in the middle of winter is really quite nice. The anticipation ALWAYS starts the day before. Everyone is talking about the forecast and how much snow or ice is on the way. Sometimes teachers even mention when assignments or due or when tests will be taken if there isn't school the next day. I'm sure the night before the storm, the percentage of young adults that watch the news skyrockets up. People want to know whats going on so they can anticipate the plan for the next day.

Its a pretty darn good feeling waking up the next morning and rolling over to look at the clock and seeing 9:30. Yay! No school today. You dash to the window to see just how much snow or ice arrived while you were sleeping. Now what to do for the day.....I always like to be extremely lazy on snow days. I rarely go anywhere except for maybe swim practice if the roads and conditions are better by nighttime. Watching TV and movies is a must while enjoying some hot chocolate and other yummy snacks. Because my mom works from home and my dad works for the schools, most snow days my whole family is at home. We tend to play lots of games, specifically Catch Phrase tournaments. As the day dwindles down its hard not hoping for another cancellation, and many times that phone call grants your wish!

Two hour delays and early dismissals are a pretty nice benefit from the bad weather. These are great because a full day of school is counted and most of the time the teacher's plan is wrecked anyway so classes aren't too difficult! I know for a fact that know one jumps as much when the intercom system turns on than on a anticipated snowy day.

Even though winter weather in Iowa is not the most fun, there are definitely some things that can make up for it!

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