Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An A+ Coach defines a coach as a person who trains, directs or gives instruction most commonly to a team or player. I believe that a coach has to be much more than that. Most people at some point in their life have had a coach for one thing or another. Now this may technically be a director or advisor for a play, show choir or debate but they still have the same principles.

For the sake of this blog post I am going to talk specifically about the coaching of athletics, probably with a focus on swimming because this is what I have experience in. A coach is someone that the athletes need to trust. A role model. Someone that kids can look up to and want to respect. I firmly believe that a team does not have a chance at anything if the coach is not respected. How is a football team going to win a game if they don't trust that their coach is calling the right plays? Athletes have to know that their coach has had the experience and has the knowledge to do what's best for the team.

A good coach will also listen to their athletes if they have new ideas or comments that are worth sharing. Athletes should have a say in their team goals and how the goals are going to be achieved. A good coach is motivational without being too pushy. There have been times when I have been in the middle of an extremely difficult set. My arms and legs are burning and I can barely catch my breath. Just hearing my coach say something like "Looks great Amanda" or "Keep up the good work" is the last bit of motivation I need to get through the set. These are the things that good coaches can come up with. I don't think athletes should be praised constantly, but its the equation of everything put together that coaches know how to solve.

A good coach needs to be able to incorporate fun along with competing and working hard. There isn't a point in participating in sports or activities if its no fun at all. If a coach was depressed and gruff all the time the athletes would most likely not have a positive attitude and not have any fun. On the other hand, a coach that has too much fun may not be the best either. You don't want to get to a competition and be blown away.

There are many things that a good coach must be aware of and incorporate into their coaching styles. I am very fortunate to have great coaches that allow the perfect balance of fun, hard work and most of all...competing.

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